Art Lesson w/ Ms. Jennifer: René Magritte


Let’s express ourselves by creating a Magritte inspired Dove painting.

About the Artist:

René Magritte was born in Belgium in 1898. He is known for his surrealist paintings. Magritte's work frequently displays a collection of ordinary objects in an unusual context, giving new meanings to familiar things. This is joined to his desire to create poetic imagery. He described the act of painting as "the art of putting colors side by side in such a way that their real aspect is effaced, so that familiar objects—the sky, people, trees, mountains, furniture, the stars, solid structures, graffiti—become united in a single poetically disciplined image. The poetry of this image dispenses with any symbolic significance, old or new." His work is made to make us question and think about objects in new ways.


  • Two pieces of paper

  • Dove template (print on thick paper, trace, or draw freehand about 6” tall)

  • Favorite coloring or painting medium (I will use watercolor and crayon or oil pastel)

  • Scissors

  • glue

Watch Ms. Jennifer here:


  1. Use the smaller paper to create a painted dove. Start by painting an area just larger than the dove template. (I am painting on the back of the dove I printed) Paint it like a sky, either day or night. I am going to make a night sky, so I make some small marks with a light crayon (or oil pastel) to symbolize stars. Then watercolor wash over the entire area with a dark blue-grey. Allow to dry.

  2. Now work on your background paper. I am making a daytime landscape. So I make some puffy white clouds with white crayon (or oil pastel) rubbed on its side, then paint a light blue wash over for the sky. I draw and paint some mountains near the bottom of my page.

  3. Cut out the dove. Use the template, or draw the outline of the dove on the back of your smaller sky painting, and cut.

  4. Glue your dove onto the background. Take your time to work neatly and glue the dove as flat as possible. It may appear like the dove is punched out of the background sky.


For Doodlebugs Ages 2-5:


  • Paper

  • Crayon or oil pastel

  • Watercolor paint



  1. Allow your doodlebug to make small marks with a light colored crayon or oil pastel. Then allow them to paint over the entire page with watercolor paint.

  2. Watch how the oil or wax pushes the paint away like magic! 

  3. You can write words or their name in white crayon, then allow them to paint over it to reveal the secret message.

Music by

You did it!

Please don't forget to email your artwork to so it will be showcased in this Friday’s Kids Gallery!


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Curator’s Corner: Qualla


Oral History Feature | Randy Henson